CLASSIC pasta ravioli with meyer lemons and ricotta








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Here is an easy, sparkling ravioli preparation for lemon lovers. We recommend the wonderful small Meyer lemons, but any good lemon will do.

for the filling:

  • on and one-half cups fresh ricotta cheese.
  • one-fourth cup of freshly grated parmesan
  • one tablespoon juice from a Meyer lemon
  • two teaspoons finely grated Meyer lemon zest
  • salt and lots of freshly ground pepper

for the sauce:

  • eight tablespoons unsalted butter
  • two tablespoons chicken stock
  • two tablespoons finely grated Meyer lemon zest
  • one tablespoon of juice from a Meyer lemon
  • salt and pepper
  • one quarter cup freshly grated parmesan

Mix the ingredients for the filling together. Use plenty of pepper (ten twists or so). Place a quarter teaspoon of the filling on each ravioli, and complete as per the instructions on making ravioli.

Put the butter into a sauté pan over low heat until it is melted. Add the lemon juice, the stock and zest, plus salt and pepper, and stir until mixed.

Prepare the ravioli dough. See how to make ravioli. Make the ravioli: this is your filling.

When the ravioli are finished, put them in a bowl, add the sauce and stir ever so gently, adding the parmesan as you go.

Serve immediately.


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